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Check out my recreation of Neotic's Chill Radio 24/7!

Click Here


Escalator - Pathetic

The Possession - Trevor Something

Visage - Windows96

Private Caller - SAINT PEPSI

Low Beam - Her's

and some other stuff

Shoot me an email at:

Frequently Asked Questions

What does 'tuxedoflames' mean?

It is an old username now dedicated to my deceased cat.

What is this site made from?

Carrd because I'm too lazy to relearn HTML atm.

Why are you unfunny?

Mind altering substance abuse.

What are your configs?

In the 'configs' link and they're stored on Google Drive.


In the 'pc specs' link.


About the site:

I made this site as a sorta continuation of my old Weebly site that's been up since about 2011.Over the years I've used it to share really mediocre GameMaker projects, make some blog posts, throw some mediafire links or to share cool music. Now a lot of the platforms used for that stuff have changed or disappeared all together as newer services like Spotify or Soundcloud have become the mainstream.I've decided to switch to Carrd because it allows for a more minimalist appearance and doesn't have shitty watermarks like Weebly did. Overtime I'd love to relearn HTML and actually make a higher effort site, but I don't have the time right now.

About me:


As for me personally, I like to play a lot of games and really like 2000s era tech/media. I grew up playing a lot of Xbox and eventually made my way to PC.I used to be apart of a very amateur CSGO team called RedMyth where we played a little ESEA and FaceIT. Now we've disbanded and we all kinda do our own thing.I also like music a lot. Mostly listen to DnB or electronic stuff now a days, but still linger in that 2000's punk period.I'm very laid back and tend to socialize very little as it is very exhausting for me and I usually work quite often so I'm more of a night owl.